Surely you have heard many affirmations about gratitude, motivation, faith, courage – positive inspirational advice to get ahead in life. So when you feel stuck or bored, what should you remind yourself?
Have you ever felt like your life goes by like a negative loop every day? You act out of habit and do the same things every day. You have no motivation, creativity or inspiration to do anything. Work is piling up but you don’t know where to start solving it. You clearly understand you need to change but you lack the energy to start doing it. All of the above signs show that you are stuck in a vicious cycle that makes you stuck and mentally depressed.
This is a stage that everyone goes through at least once in their life. On the positive side, when those lackluster days are over, you will feel that life is many times more interesting than before and your spirit will also become extremely excited. Below are 9 affirmations you should remind yourself every day to overcome feeling stuck.
Table of Contents
1. “I am not alone”
Photo: Pexels/Nataliya Vaitkevich
When you feel stuck, it’s easy to redirect your thoughts to the negative flow, typically spinning around in your mind questions like “What if my friends don’t like me?”, “What if What if I don’t do my job well?”, “What if something wrong happens to me?”. These questions usually don’t seem too serious until they take you down a rabbit hole of rumination and worry. Therefore, in this situation you need to find someone to confide in. It could be a close friend, family, lover or a psychotherapist. Talking to someone will help you gain new perspectives, feel warmth, and make you realize that you are not alone in life.
2. “Emotions are only temporary”
A small tip to help you avoid making mistakes when you are stressed, worried or confused, especially if you are someone who is prone to acting on emotions, is to apply the 24-hour rule: when your emotions surge. , you are feeling extremely confused or angry, wait until 24 hours before making a decision. Because your thinking and thinking can completely change within 24 hours after the problem occurs. In other words, although emotions play a huge role in life, they help us see more clearly about aspects of life such as: relationships, love, work… However, nothing lasts forever, including your feelings. That’s why we shouldn’t rush into making impulsive decisions, like you shouldn’t quit your job just because you’ve had a bad day at the office. It’s okay to listen to and respect your feelings, but always remember that all feelings have the ability to change.
3. “What is my body trying to tell me?”
Photo: Unsplash/Janne Rieck
If one day you feel exhausted and no longer motivated to do anything, including your daily habits, you shouldn’t worry too much about it. There are days when you spend most of your time living full of energy, passionate about work, practicing hard, expanding relationships with partners and friends… Besides, there will also be days when you have opportunities. Maybe you want you to rest, watch movies, relax and enjoy every moment of being alone. Just like your stomach growling signals you’re hungry, your body can also tell you what you need to do to feel happier and more motivated. And when you recognize those “alarms”, find a suitable way to rest, recharge your energy to recover and function better in the following days.
4. “I don’t need to feel guilty about resting”
Photo: Pexels/Leeloo Thefirst
We live in an era where success is measured by speed, productivity and efficiency. However, this can easily put people in a state of pressure and think that no matter how much they do, it will never be enough. From there, it’s easy to feel guilty when you have the chance to rest. Experts point out that rest is a prerequisite for creativity, especially if you want to work more efficiently. Therefore, getting enough rest will help you both satisfy your biological needs and balance your emotions to live a fulfilling life.
5. “Everything will pass”
During the stuck period, you may feel like this time will never end. Therefore, it is important that you constantly remind yourself that whatever you are facing right now is temporary and you will definitely get through it. Nothing in this world lasts forever and everything will always change over time.
6. “I was amazing in my own way”
The common human psychology is to often compare yourself with others, or even, you always torment yourself for not being able to fulfill previously set expectations. You feel like a “failure”, your career hasn’t peaked, your relationships aren’t good enough or your financial situation isn’t as good as you expected. To get rid of that feeling, you should focus on celebrating your achievements, no matter how small they are. Let go of your previous expectations and distant goals, live true to yourself in the present, improve yourself every day… You will realize that you are transforming into a new, much better version over time. .
7. “Let go of things that are no longer useful”
Photo: Pexels/Nadin Sh
The deadlock period is an uncomfortable and uncomfortable time. However, this can be the best time for you to seriously think about yourself, your personality and your life purpose. Write down all the aspects that come to mind: What makes me happiest? What is keeping me stagnant? And when you realize someone or something doesn’t really bring positive value, boldly “throw it away”. At first you will definitely have difficulties, but gradually you will feel lighter and attract a lot of positive energy.
8. “I will write my own story”
Photo: Unsplash/Elise Wilcox
Maybe sometimes you won’t realize it, but every day when you wake up, you are the one who has the right to decide everything you will do next: Should I turn off the alarm and go back to sleep or quickly wake up? Will I wear high heels or sneakers today? What will I do with my friends in the evening? Although these decisions may seem small, they are cumulative actions that create your entire life. That means, you have the complete right to choose whether you should stop or continue to feel stuck. Changing your mindset and looking at the positive side of life are two important factors to help you overcome this difficult period as well as make life easier.
9. “Progress is more important than perfection”
As children, many of us were taught the value of perfection and how to strive to be our best version of ourselves. However, true perfection does not exist in humans. We are nuanced, unique beings who are constantly learning and growing. Everything we do can be improved, from writing reports to honing our skills to cultivating our artistic talents. So, as long as you are constantly trying every day to do everything the best you can, there is no need to reach perfection , you can absolutely move forward even through down days. clogged and boring.