Women’s intuition and sixth sense are always very sharp. Sometimes, just relying on intuition, women can make very accurate decisions. But how to maximize the power of intuition?
Intuition can be considered a priceless gift for women. Women are considered the weaker sex, but they possess extremely sharp intuition, as a tool to support them in life. Like famous actress Marilyn Monroe once said, thanks to intuition and instinct, “women know what is best for them.”
(Source: Jan Phoenix)
However, when falling into a state of tension or stress, this inherent instinct of women is easily lost, or some people cannot “activate” this instinct. What women can do is connect the voices of their body and mind, or in other words, learn to listen to their inner voice.
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Reduce time using technology devices
No one denies the necessity of technological devices in the current digital age. However, when increasing “connection” with devices, women are somewhat reducing “connection” with themselves.
Have the courage to put your phone down when not really needed. On weekends, instead of hugging your laptop to watch movies or surf the web, you should go out for a walk or show off your cooking skills with close friends.
(Source: William Iven)
At first, quitting electronic devices will be very difficult. However, experts recommend that you control the time you use them instead of quitting immediately. For example, if you spend eight hours a day sitting in front of a computer screen at work, when you get home you won’t use it anymore if it’s not necessary. Or spend an hour or two surfing the web a day, then take time to read a book or write in a diary. To ensure your health, you should keep electronic devices away and turn off the network to limit radiation that can negatively affect the brain.
Instead of relying on devices to help you, you should let your intuition tell you what you need to do. Over time, your judgment will become sharper.
Love yourself
One way to improve women’s intuition is to establish eating habits that suit their body. A menu low in calories and fat will help improve women’s health and figure. However, this is never simple. Occasionally, you still want to eat a few pieces of fried chicken instead of those nutritious foods, this is completely understandable.
Before being “conquered” by that attractive piece of fried chicken, take a minute to ask yourself “Is eating fried chicken beneficial or harmful to my health and body shape?”. At that time, you will realize that you may be happy for a few minutes while enjoying your favorite food, but you will have many difficulties losing weight afterward.
(Source: Kimber Pine)
This is how you “talk” to your body. For example, when you crave potato chips, your body is sending a signal that your body is lacking fat. Provide your body with healthy fats from eggs, fish fat, vegetable oils…
Increase time spent outdoors
Women should spend more time on outdoor activities to improve their intuition. After a long week of continuous work, give yourself some green space at the parks on the weekend.
(Source: Andreas Selter)
When exercising, the body will increase metabolism and support blood circulation. Even if you are working, you should exercise lightly, or take advantage of your lunch break to breathe fresh air. Exposure to fresh air will help relieve stress and fatigue, making the mind more alert and refreshed.
Learn how to let your body “breathe”
One of the best ways to calm your mind is to breathe. Breathing is not simply an instinct, when you breathe properly, your mind will become much calmer. It’s not natural that in Yoga there is a breathing exercise. For example, when you want to reduce stress, you should breathe deeply and evenly while thinking of happy, positive images.
(Source: Form)
Not only let your nose and mouth breathe, you should also let other parts “breathe”. For example, you put on makeup carefully every morning before going to work. Have you thought about going to work one day without makeup? You wear makeup to beautify yourself, but you should pay more attention to skin care from the inside rather than relying on the help of external makeup products. Instead of using creams and concealers, you should apply masks or skin care products to keep your skin healthy from the inside.
Nails also need to “breathe”. You should give your nails a “rest” after a long period of using nail polishes and decorations. Ideally, you should only paint your nails for a few important occasions, and leave your nails natural for the rest, a way to reduce dullness and not make your nails brittle or brittle.
Allocate a specific timetable
When you are constantly caught up in the chaos of work, you will easily lose your intuition, because your mind will then become tired and lack clarity. Make a to-do list for the day and stick to it. You won’t have to get confused with so many things that you don’t know where to start.
(Nguồn: Estée Janssens)
Another secret is to divide the work into smaller pieces. Instead of “cleaning the house”, you should put more details like “clean the ground floor, sweep the second floor, vacuum the carpet….” You will no longer be suffocated at work. If you do your work in such an orderly and organized manner, you will easily have your own space.
Quiet space, a medicine to balance emotions
Unsatisfactory work, disagreements with colleagues, problems with your other half… you will feel like the whole world is against you. Untangling your emotions is complicated, so give yourself some quiet time.
(Source: Thought Catalog)
Music is a way to heal the soul for many people, but spending a few minutes in silence each day can help settle your mind. A few minutes of quiet in the morning or midday will greatly improve your mood. You will have the opportunity to sit and think about positive things, about things that make you happy. Silence will help the mind relax as much as possible.
When you feel stressed, a book with light content will be more helpful. Although electronic books have become popular now, paper books still have the most relaxing benefits.
Create your own space to find your own direction
Once you feel calm, create space for yourself to “talk directly” to your intuition, to ask if “it is okay to feel what I am feeling.” From there, your instincts will guide you when you have to make important decisions.
Intuition is your instinct, the important thing is whether you give this instinct a chance to help you or not.
(Source: rawpixel.com)
There will be times when you complain, “Why is her intuition so sharp, why can’t I be like her?”, but you forget that you also possess the “master key”, you just don’t know yet. know how to take advantage of it, or be obscured by surrounding factors.
No matter how busy you are, girls should try to take time to “listen” to themselves. Create a habit of writing or taking photos of moments that make an impression on you. You will see your thoughts through these actions.